I think that in grade 6, I have many pieces of work that I am rather proud of and I learnt a lot by doing them. Some of my pieces of wark that I am proud of is definitely some of the assignments we have done in the Ancient Egypt unit. In that unit I am proud of my 3 diary entries. I learnt a lot about the daily life of a priestess, like some of them go into a peasants home to bless the peasants. I am also proud of the recent tic tac toe we have completed. In my group we chose the religion rap, the comic and the trail web page. I really enjoyed the religion rap the most. We did it on the main religion of ancient Rome, and that was Christianity. We ( Melina, Sunny and myself ) kind of tried to make some of the words rhyme. But that part didn't go too well. But what we did manage to do was all the lyrics we wrote fitted with the lyrics of the original song. Well most of them anyway.
My greatest challenge was probably lot. circles and time management. I found lit circles challenging because you have to get high level questions and then they have to actually make sense because you the need the examples and evidence to prove some of your statements. Like for the white mountains book, I had a question which was "Are tripods able to mate?" so I told mrs. Narsiman my question she told me it wasnt bad but how could I get examples and evidence to support my statements. I also found time management hard because I am not very organised though I am more organised than I was at the beginning of the year.
I learnt that if I push myself hard enough I can do it. When I push myself I am able to concentrate and focus on what I am doing, putting a lot of effort into it, I an do a good job and sometimes receive a very very good grade. I also learnt that I really need to work on my time management. I sometimes need to work on how I organize my assignments.
a) Behavior
Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
Explanation: I think that my behavior isn't bad. It isn't super perfect. I thin that my behavior could probably improve more i if organized myself better.
b) Participation
Actively participate in class
Explanation: I think I do usually participate in class. I listen to my teacher so I will know what I am doing.
c) Organization
Needs serious help
I'm super organized
I think that I could improve on my organization. I need to organize mt work in parts and not stress about it all in one day wether its a last minute thing or not.
d) Effort
Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.
I think that I do put effort in to my work, but not all the time. I have to be able to focus on my work. I usually put a lot of my effort in to assignments I really enjoy.
Goal 1, In grade 7 one of goals is to work on my time management. I think that i really need to work on that, because it effects almost everything like behavior, effort...
Goal 2, In grade 7 my second goal is to put in more effort in to my work. I know that if I put more effort in to my work it will definitely improve my grades and I will learn better.
Some information that I like my grade 7 teachers to know is that I work rather well in Collaborative Assignments. My profile is L which means I am right brained, hand, leg, ear and eye. I also work better with people that I am familiar with. I don't mind working with new people though. The teachers tell the Gestalts and the Logics to work together sometimes, but I think that I work well with both.
Some of the advice I would give them is to not leave things to the last minute.