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Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Learning Profile is.... L!!!!!!!

I learn best when I am relaxed and everything is quiet. Once I am relaxed then I listen and understand everything better. I also learn best when I am moving, for example I could be just swinging my leg or tapping my finger on the table.

I need to sit at a place where no one disturbs me or I don't disturb anyone. My profile is L which means that I tend to learn best whilst moving. So I should sit at a place where no one would be disturbed when I tap my pen or swing my legs...

The strategies that would help me in my learning would be to put me in spot where I wouldn't be disturbed to a spot where I wouldn't disturb anyone. For example once when I sat with Kamilla. She started talking to me about the assignment that we were about to begin and then we didn't stop talking until we were aware that we were disturbing the class.

I would like my teachers to know this about me, I get distracted very easily and I like to move about when I am listening or doing my work. When I am writing I tend to tap my fingers on the table and when I am listening I tend to click my pen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Memories in Response to Taylor Mali

When a famous poet named Taylor Mali visited my school, he encouraged us to write old memories that we could remember.
  1. I remember fracturing my finger when I was 7. My cousin fell on it.
  2. I remember fracturing my toe when I was 9.
  3. I remember falling and scraping my knees, whilst I was carrying Louise, last week.
  4. I remember riding on my scooter and falling off and scraping my knees yet again when I was 8.
  5. I remember getting my iPod Touch, I was so very very very thrilled.
  6. I remember meeting David Archuleta, I was extremely nervous.
  7. I remember snorkeling and seeing a shark I got scared and swam away.
  8. I remember breaking my AC when i was 4, by poking a stick in it.
  9. I remember drinking milk on my white sofa, whilst my father was rubbing my little little head, when I was 1 and a half.
  10. I remember hitting my father’s hand when I was 5, because I didn’t want to go in the new driver’s car that my father just hired.
  11. I remember when I was 5, my brother, my cousin and I were jumping on my brother bed, my brother’s bed, my brother’s bed. My cousin jumped and hit his head on the edge of the window. His head started bleeding.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Name

My name is Claire. It is a French and an English name. I think that that is pretty cool because I know English and I am currently learning French. I also found out that my name means clear, bright and famous.

I have never really minded my first name, but I never liked my Chinese name. My Chinese name in English is Ching Li. In my previous school, I went by my Chinese name. In the first grade, I had a dreadful English teacher, Ms Liew. One of the first of many classes we had together, she did a terribly awful thing for a teacher to do... She made fun of students. She started off with a girl named Sabrina. Sabrina had a big nose so she started calling her big nose Sabrina. And she went on and on giving each one of us a nickname according to our flaws. Then she came over to me. And she asked what my name was, I replied in a soft voice “My name is Ching Li, Miss.” Then she started laughing and called me Chili and ever since then, that horrible nickname stuck until the day I left school. Now you must be thinking why didn’t I correct her. Well, I did. But every time that I tried to correct her she would whip me with her bamboo stick. So I never tried to correct her again.

I have never wanted to change my name. Although I wasn’t thrilled with the nicknames. I have, I have never wanted to change them, because that is what my parents named me and I respect that. People can tease and tease if they, butI would still keep my name.

My old school was a local Chinese school. And as you know ,my classmates already teased me about my Chinese name, but they also teased me about my first name. Most of them did not speak English. So when they saw the name “Claire” they would say Clair-ee. One day when they were announcing some of the students who were going to win awards. One of the teachers said Clair-ee Ng Ching Li and the whole class erupted into laughter. Everyone there said Claire in such a way that some times when they say it, it sounds like a cat falling. I prefer it when people say it gently so when they say Claire, it sounds like a river flowing or a gentle blow of wind.

I’m sure you are now aware that I have a few nicknames. And some of them I absolutely dread. But I have a current nickname that isn’t awful like the others and it is Claire Bear. It was given to me by Melina Ankel who has left ISKL. She gave it to me because she was reading a book and in the book there was a character named Claire Bear.

My parents had considered quite a few names. My father adored the names Emily and Vanessa, but my mother absolutely hated those names. My mother loved French names or fancy names, so she came up with Chloe, Zoe, Samantha, Charlotte, Scarlett... They chose Claire because it was the only name both of them could agree on.

Me in 3

3 items that I feel are the most important items to me are my nail sets, my iPod and my stationary.

During the summer holidays, I went to London and Paris. In London, I went to Hamley’s, there, they were selling these really cool nail sets, where you can paint super awesome designs on your nails. I chose that as one of my most important items because as most people know, my mother is very busy and I don’t see her very often. But ever since I got this nail set, we have been spending more time together. During the weekends when she is home, she may ask me to paint her nails for her. So when I paint her nails, we bond and tell each other about the ups and downs of our weeks. So thanks to my nail sets, me and my mother spend a lot more time with each other.

I chose my iPod as one of my most important objects because, well first of all, it was a birthday gift from my parents. I also use it a lot. My bus ride is 40 minutes so I use my iPod to listen to music or play games. I also use my iPod to take pictures like at a friend’s birthday party or when I wanted to record someone who attended the party getting thrown into a pool. I use my iPod for school assignments as well. For example, in IT, I used my iPod for a project where we took pictures and photo-shopped them (with permission of course). I have also used my iPod as a conversation starter with people, especially younger kids. I take a picture or him and put the picture of a head on the body of a fairy. When I did it to a girl, she was delighted and ran off to tell her mother how pretty she looked, if I did it to a boy, he would laugh his head off or ask to be an elf or a superhero instead.

For my third object I have chosen all my stationery. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I LOVE stationary. I chose stationary as one of my most important objects because, I love doing crafts and making cards and stuff like that. So I use the stationary to make special 3D boxes or decorate a pencil holder.....

So those are my special important objects. I hope this tells you a little more about me.


fun, loving, friendly, crazy,
daughter of amazing parents, sister of a sensitive brother,
adores singing and acting, loves playing soccer,
experienced love, anger, joy,
alone in the middle of nowhere; seeing a shark;
being stuck in a awful treewell,
won a track and field race,
meeting Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez,
getting A’s in my core classes,
live in the wonderful universe,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Creation Video

This is my creation story on the Greek Beginning.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End Is Near!!!

I think that in grade 6, I have many pieces of work that I am rather proud of and I learnt a lot by doing them. Some of my pieces of wark that I am proud of is definitely some of the assignments we have done in the Ancient Egypt unit. In that unit I am proud of my 3 diary entries. I learnt a lot about the daily life of a priestess, like some of them go into a peasants home to bless the peasants. I am also proud of the recent tic tac toe we have completed. In my group we chose the religion rap, the comic and the trail web page. I really enjoyed the religion rap the most. We did it on the main religion of ancient Rome, and that was Christianity. We ( Melina, Sunny and myself ) kind of tried to make some of the words rhyme. But that part didn't go too well. But what we did manage to do was all the lyrics we wrote fitted with the lyrics of the original song. Well most of them anyway.

My greatest challenge was probably lot. circles and time management. I found lit circles challenging because you have to get high level questions and then they have to actually make sense because you the need the examples and evidence to prove some of your statements. Like for the white mountains book, I had a question which was "Are tripods able to mate?" so I told mrs. Narsiman my question she told me it wasnt bad but how could I get examples and evidence to support my statements. I also found time management hard because I am not very organised though I am more organised than I was at the beginning of the year.

I learnt that if I push myself hard enough I can do it. When I push myself I am able to concentrate and focus on what I am doing, putting a lot of effort into it, I an do a good job and sometimes receive a very very good grade. I also learnt that I really need to work on my time management. I sometimes need to work on how I organize my assignments.

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think that my behavior isn't bad. It isn't super perfect. I thin that my behavior could probably improve more i if organized myself better.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class

Explanation: I think I do usually participate in class. I listen to my teacher so I will know what I am doing.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

I think that I could improve on my organization. I need to organize mt work in parts and not stress about it all in one day wether its a last minute thing or not.

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

I think that I do put effort in to my work, but not all the time. I have to be able to focus on my work. I usually put a lot of my effort in to assignments I really enjoy.

Goal 1, In grade 7 one of goals is to work on my time management. I think that i really need to work on that, because it effects almost everything like behavior, effort...

Goal 2, In grade 7 my second goal is to put in more effort in to my work. I know that if I put more effort in to my work it will definitely improve my grades and I will learn better.

Some information that I like my grade 7 teachers to know is that I work rather well in Collaborative Assignments. My profile is L which means I am right brained, hand, leg, ear and eye. I also work better with people that I am familiar with. I don't mind working with new people though. The teachers tell the Gestalts and the Logics to work together sometimes, but I think that I work well with both.

Some of the advice I would give them is to not leave things to the last minute.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Dear mother and father, you must worried sick about Henry and I. I truly apologize for leaving just like that.I would like you to know that we are doing fine and I hope that you two are feeling fine. These are some reasons to why I left. First of all, I really did not enjoy having Henry as a roommate. I did not like him very much. I also did not want to be capped. I left when I had eventually packed my clothes and all the other stuff that was needed for my journey. Then I caught Henry following me, behind my back. Henry also did not enjoy the thought about being capped. I did not like him, still, I accepted him because he is after all family. The White mountains is a place where Ozymandias told me to go if I wanted to be free. Ozymandias is a free man. I met Ozymandias at first and immediately assumed he was a mad man. But as it turned out he was a man recruiting people to be free of the tripods. During my journey I learned more about the old world and society. The old world was more advanced than we are at the moment.my journey was very frightening at times. Many people supported me on my journey. But the reason that I made it to the White Mountains is my courage and bravery. I believe that I have become a lot more confident and I know how to fight for something. And that something is freedom. Freedom is very much needed in our lives. Freedom is a very powerful thing without freedom you would probably end up like Eloise. Eloise was a girl that I has met along my journey in the castle of the red tower. I actually secretly fancy her. I felt pity for her. She had been capped and now probably serving the tripods. Then I saw the tripods up close. It was a terrifying event. They were fast and they were strong. Then Henry, Beanpole ( a guy we met on our journey and is withus at the moment ) and I threw the metal eggs at the Tripods. The tripods then picked me up and I was so scared. Fortunayely the tripods had become weaker due to the metal eggs that we trew. I was freed until I noticed the beams of light. I did not want to get caught by the tripods yet again so I ran and ran and decided to hide behind a rock. After ever so many days had passed the Tripods gave up and was not able to be seen.wHy the time they left I was still exhausted and hungry. I still made it all the way to the Ehite mountain and I felt rather proud and victorious when I reached my destination. Now I have learnt that in order to defeat the tripods we are going to have to all work together and discover what the ancients had once done an we shall be able to do them ourselves and we shall finally defeat and overpower the tripods. We are the more supreme beings and we will win the battle when the time comes. But for now I miss you guys ever so much and I truly hope to see you soon. Bye for now and I love you. Love Will.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How is freedom related to the quote in pg111???

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)

My first answer for this is, is that there are many words in this quote that relate to freedom. A word like free, means that you want to be free, like if you are a slave, you want to be free, away from your master. You want to live your life. And in this case Will would like to be free of being capped. Another word is value. We have been learning about values in Health class. Good values will lead you in to a brighter future. Bad values, well, they will lead you in to a not too good future. Having a value is like for example you are writing your passages in your lit. circle. Some of us will say "Look at my lit. circle it is so long." And maybe "Look at my lit. circle it is so short." This relates to one of my values "Trying your best" (although I don't always do). Having a lit. circle that is really long but has no quality and is basically talking nonsense is truly terrible. But if yo have a shorter lit. circle but has good quality then you would probably get a decent grade. Like some people say it is the quality not the quantity. Another word, and this is a strong one, is courage. Having courage is definitely related to freedom. Courage will help you speak up for yourselves. Like if you are with a bad group of friends, you will need courage to stack up for yourself and not let them pick on you, and you will be free. Those are some of the words that I think relates to freedom.

Another answer to why the quote relates to freedom is that it shoes how much freedom means to Will. I think that Will is still pretty confused about the capping and the tripods'. He still asks himself if being capped is a good thing or a bad thing. I personally think that it is a bad thing. It shows that they sort of have no mind of their own and basically the tripods' are their masters and all they care about is worshipping them or serving them. If I was Will, I would too think about how
good things could be meaningless in isolation. I think that if everyone was like Will, Henry and Beanpole, Will wouldn't be alone.

These are some of the reasons to why the quote relates to freedom.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The castle of the red tower.

How were the tripods able to control people?
The tripods need to control people because they wouldn't want the people going against them and asking for freedom. The only way people would find out about the previous society and how great the ancients were is if they were like Will, Henry and Beanpole. If the people went traveling when they weren't capped and they were going to the white mountains, they would probably find more than just grenades. If the people find more things they could probably take over the tripods. Like Will, Henry and Beanpole could probably use the grenade an blow up a tripod if they were in danger (Which they did).

2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.

Will is certainly comfortable living at the castle, mostly because Eloise is there. I think that he likes Eloise. He is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped. Pg 122
"And the better I knew them, the harder it was to make a sweeping condemnation. They were Capped, they accepted the Tripods and all the stood for, but that did not prevent them from being, as I had seen in the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise and now in others, warmhearted, generous and brave. And happy."
Will is probably frustrated because although they have been capped they are still really nice and that must confuse him very much. It confuses me too.

3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.
In the beginning of the book Will asked Jack about being capped. He says "Why what?" "Why should the Tripods take people away, and Cap them? What right have they?" (pg18). Personally I agree with Will. Since that quote was in the beginning of the book I didn't know very much then. Now I realize why the tripods do it. They do it because they want to control society. I learnt that it is easier to control a society that doesn't have much knowledge than a society that is smart and wants freedom.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains?

One of the reasons how Beanpole will help them on their journey is that Beanpole is older and he knows the place better than they do, because he lives there and Will and Henry don't. Beanpole would probably now which way is faster and safer to travel by. As it said in the book on page 69 "Someone whom we already knew to be resourceful, who knew the country and the language. It was almost too good to be true"

Another reason to why I think Beanpole will help them on their journey is because,
I think that Beanpole is going to be quite useful to Will and Henry. Because he can probably speak the men who did speak their language's language. And with Beanpole going with them they can carry more food and their shelter could also be stronger because more people are helping out.

My last reason to why I think Beanpole will help them is because he could help support Will, because of Will's ankle when Will fell down, for Henry called a false alarm on something or someone following them, but it turned out to be some sheep.

And those are my reasons to how Beanpole will help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why is Will like me???

In Humanities class, I am reading this book called White Mountains. This book is about theses tripods that are about 6 feet tall and have 3 legs. There is this boy called Will and he is about twelve, he is the same age as me. His freedom was going to end soon, just as his cousins Jack had, but if he runs away to the White Mountains then there is a chance for him that he will have some freedom and become a free man. That is what the story basically about.

How is Will just like you?
Well, Will is like me in certain ways. He and I are the same age as I told you before in the paragraph above. He also like me because he is really curious about stuff. I am too, I really enjoy learning about something especially if it really appeals to me. Sometimes I am always asking questions, and my dad gets irritated (sometimes) and just tells me to figure it out by myself. Another reason to why I am curious like him is because he was a little curious about that man Ozymandias. If I met a guy like him in that period of time, I would have been freaked out at first, but then get really curious and want to go back to the Vagrant house and ask Ozymandias many questions.

Another reason to why Will is like me is because we both have cousins that we did not trust and now trust. One of my cousins Darrell, was really naughty. We were always fighting. We did sometimes play together but then we would always wind up bullying each other. One day while we were at a party. It was a caroling party, and it was on the 20th of December. My cousin Darrell and I were playing ( a little roughly ). And then he pushed me and he accidentally fell on my finger while it was straight. I did not cry at first. But when we went to the next house to Christmas carol my finger started hurting a lot. I cried and my auntie gave me some ice to put my finger in. My parents were not there. But when the caroling was over, my auntie took me home and I cried in my parents arms. The next day my parents took me to see a doctor. The doctor examined my finger and told the nurse to X-ray it. When the nurse X-rayed my finger they found out that it was fractured. I had to see a doctor for 6 to 9 months regarding my little finger on my right hand. And since I was right handed it meant that I my writing was really messy. Now me and my cousin Darrell are quite close and we don't bully each other any more because we called a truce after the finger incident. So I am like Will in a sense that we both had a cousin that we did not trust and now trust.

And this are the reasons to why I think Will is like me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is my project on Senusret the 1st. I worked with Mike on this project. Art, Craftsmanship, Trade and architecture flourished during his reign. I think that this video is pretty good. It could still use improvement though, but I am still quite satisfied by what we have done.

I think we did well on the information on this project. We got a lot of information on the pharaoh and what monuments he built. The project was really fun.

Through out this whole assignment i learned about a pharaoh. I was a little disappointed by my pharaoh at first but then I learnt more and more about him and it started getting interesting like he was a prolific builder and built many monuments, barricades and cities for the people of Egypt. Art and culture flourished during his reign and he seemed to be a great ruler to me.

The thing that challenged me the most was making the imovie. I had trouble looking at the script and looking at the camera at the same time. My partner also tried to make to make it a little funny but that was a little hard because we also had to look at the script.

I think i had to communicate effectively and collaborate constructively to work and talk to my partner so we could work together well. It really helped us communicate with each other. I think I got to him a little better during this project too. Those are the school wide learning results that were evident in this project.

Monday, January 31, 2011

During Humanities, we have to write a reflction on a presentation we have done which was about the place you call home. For me, its K.L, since I have been living there my whole life. You had to present about the environmental factors, statistical information, and historical factors about KL.

After I presented my powerpoint, I thought I did not do very well at all. But a few days later, I looked at my grade on power school, and I was so relieved. I actually got quite a decent grade on it. The reasons I thought that I would get a bad grade, was because of a few things. I got the statistical information wrong instead of doing KL, I did the whole of Malaysia. But throughout my powerpoint, I stuttered and I didn't really speak very loudly. Now that I think about it, I think I did pretty well on my environmental factors, there aren't many environmental factors in KL though.

What I think I would really help me improve for my future presentations is that I should be a lot more organized and less distracted. I get distracted very very easily. Most of the time during class I was chatting with friends which is really bad. Because it not only doesn't help me but it also doesn't help my friends. I really should get more organiza and plan when I should do things like I could do the environmental factors on one day and the statistical information and graphics for the maps on another and so on and so on. I mostly got my work done at home because I had less distractions around me.

From my presentation, and all others, I believe I have a few things to learn from them. One is, of course, is being prepared, as I said before. Most people like me read off the slides. I think that I should have prepared a script like many others did. Because reading off the slide not only takes your attention away from looking at the audience and making it more interesting for them I just stared at the screen most of the time. From me, I think I should have practiced before-hand more. Also, sometimes it seemed like people were whispering while presenting. So the things I have learned were, being prepared, not reading off of the slides, and maybe to speak a bit LOUDER. But I learned plenty about K.L too, like it's history, rainfall and resources, and the population and average age group.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year Resolutions!!! / CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!

      On the 1st of January 2011 at midnight I was up on my balcony watching the fireworks with my family and my mums friends and their children. Like billions of people they all made new year resolutions but me unlike them did not. Well at the time anyway. So I 've finally decided that my new year resolutions are to work harder in my studies and get fitter.

     My first new year resolution is to work harder in my studies. I think I need to get a better grades is because my parents are really proud of me when I get good grades. This is very important to me because I feel happy when my parents are proud of me. The other reason to getting good grades is because getting good grades and studying hard can help me achieve my dream and my goal. When I grow older, I want to get into a good university which is one of the main reasons my parents send me to tis school. The school fees here is rather expensive and my parents work very hard to be able to afford this school. And I really hope that I can repay them by working hard to get good grades and then go to a good university and then get a good job. So when I grow up I can repay them by spending time with them or taking them out to a nice place sometimes. These are the two reasons why my new year resolution is to get better grade. And to achieve this new year resolution, I need to work hard and study hard not only for my parents but for me! Hope I can achieve this new year resolution in 2011.

       My second new year resolution is to get fitter. Not only does getting fitter help you lose weight but it also helps you stay healthy. I'm sure a lot of you readers have heard the saying "A healthy body equals a healthy mind". So I want to get fitter and by doing that I can also spend a little more time with my parents outdoors where your mind is nice and you feel cheerful, because my parents like going outdoors and playing soccer or badminton or go jogging and so on. So those are the reasons to why I chose these new year resolutions. 

My cousin, my brother, my dad and me
My cousin, my brother and me by a bear.

Most of my family on the slopes.
My cousin, my brother and me

Some of my family skiing when I took a day off skiing.
My cousin, my brother and me in out ski and snowboard gear.

My family opening Secret Santa presents.
My family

Me skiing